


The Apple Pickers’ Cottages are located on the shore of the Waimea Inlet. The Inlet is famous for wading birds, and from the Matahua peninsula you will often see matuku moana (white faced herons),  poaka (pied stilts), kuaka (godwits), torea (oystercatchers), royal spoonbills, pukeko, and occasionally a kotuku  (white heron).

habitat restoration

We have been restoring the natural vegetation sequence from saltmarsh to coastal forest for over 20 years. The land between the saltmarsh and forest is where shoreline birds, including banded rail, nest. We are part of a community project which aims to restore the banded rail population by revegetating their breeding habitat and trapping predators. (stoats, rats etc).


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Coastal forest

The older native trees on the peninsula are being interplanted with a younger generation of black beech, rimu, totara, matai, titoki,  kahikatea, putaputaweta, and more.